Month: November 2013

Fed Ex Packaging Facility

Toronto, Canada Lanmar was able to accurately document this complicated packaging facility for Fed Ex. The intricate system of baggage delivery carousels would have been near to impossible to document without 3D scanning technology.

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Harvey Theater

New York City, NY Lanmar documented all the historic detail in this early 20th century theater that had been remodeled dozens of times since it’s original construction in 1904. Our model reflected the unusual shape of the ceiling which would

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United Nations Plaza

San Francisco, CA Lanmar documented the interior and exterior of this historic building. The level of detail in the documentation included custom capitols and railing types.

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World Trade Center

New York, NY During the construction of the museum building on the site of the World Trade Center Memorial site, the unusually shaped custom concrete walls were not poured according to the design. This would have resulted in the exterior

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Colorado State Capital

Denver, CO Lanmar scanned and modeled the dome in the Colorado State capital for the purposes of historic preservation and renovation. 3D scanning technology is perfect for domes as they are typically difficult or even dangerous to document through traditional

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Will Rogers Colosseum

Fort Worth, TX Lanmar documented this iconic building and modeled it for the purposes of historic preservation and renovation.

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Rose Bowl

Pasadena, CA Lanmar documented this iconic building and modeled it for the purposes of historic preservation and renovation.

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Willis Tower

Chicago, IL Lanmar used 3D scanning technology to document hard to access areas on the Willis Tower’s roof. Using the 3D BIM model Lanmar created, the client was able to keep track of the broadcast technology rental space on the

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Class at Autodesk University

Larry will be presenting a class on “21 Time-Saving Tips, Workarounds, and Best Practices for As-Built MEP Projects” at Autodesk University in Las Vegas (Class ID PM2123). As-built MEP can be the most complex, time-consuming part of any Building Information